Terms and conditions
Theres always got to be some important boring stuff.
We will try keep it short.
Our terms to our terms and conditions.
Our terms and conditions are a blanket cover list of terms that we abide by. This is to protect your as well as our interests. Once go-ahead (Approval / Deposit) is given on any project it is determined that you understand and agree to the terms and conditions given below.
A 50% deposit is due before any work commences. This is only refundable if:
- No Work has been started by DVM Development.
- Both parties agree that the contract is no longer valid.
The client may terminate this Contract and/or an individual, or any open project without liability at any time, upon prior written notice to DVM Development. Upon termination, DVM Development will provide the client with a report of the status of any project, in progress and the project files only if all payment is up to date and payment for the work already done has been received. DVM Development will return all Confidential Information, including all notes, records or any files to the Client which in any way may incorporate Confidential Information provided by the client.
Hosting fees are paid monthly and domain fees are paid yearly. Maintenance retainers are offered for hosting, email and domain support. This is standard practice. Hosting will be discussed once the deposit has been paid. If additional space is needed on the server we will need to upgrade and a price change will be put into effect for the new package. D
DVM Development will create 3 new email boxes on a new hosting account for free. Maintenance retainers are offered for hosting, email and domain support.
Site maintenance once the site goes live
DVM Development offers 1 week of free changes once a website goes live. Changes are limited only to issues with the website as well as content, menus and images. Maintenance retainers are offered for continuous software and maintenance needs.
Changes and Revisions
DVM Development has a selection of once-off and long term retainers and services. DVM Development is not responsible for websites going down or maintenance once the website is live (unless a retainer is negotiated).
Maintenance Retainers (See here)
Important Note: Retainer rates may vary based on individual client needs. The prices listed on our maintenance page represent starting rates.
Here’s a simple way to explain how our website maintenance retainer works, using a car analogy:
Custom Fit: Just like purchasing a car tailored to your needs, your website is built and customized specifically for you.
Regular Servicing: Whether you come to us with a newly built website or an existing one in need of maintenance, regular servicing is essential—just as you would for a car.
Routine Updates: Cars need oil changes and refills; similarly, websites require code updates for security, performance improvements, and compliance with the latest internet standards.
Warranty & Service Plans: Just as cars have warranties or service plans to cover upkeep, websites need maintenance plans to prevent issues and address any wear and tear that might occur over time.
Unexpected Fixes: Like mechanics, we can’t always predict every issue that might arise during a service. If a problem persists or is discovered after a fix, you can return to us at no extra charge, and we’ll prioritize getting your website back in shape.
Your Support Team: We ensure your website is running smoothly, even through challenging conditions. The internet can be unpredictable, but we’re your dedicated support team, ready to assist 24/7 to help you navigate any issues.
With us, your website is in good hands, staying well-maintained and optimized for peak performance.
Quotes do not include additional elements which may require outsourcing. Does not include paid plugins or licences. All prices include VAT. Quotes are based on a brief, should the brief change, the quote will be adjusted. All quotes are based on the hours needed and the technicality of the brief.
Sign Off
The sign off form is to signal that we have finished the project to your needs and that we have answered the brief. If a sign off form has not been sent then once the final files have been placed live / sent you will have 1 week of free changes. After that changes will have to be scoped. Once sign off happens the final invoice will be sent.
Approvals are the final step before work commences. Please note that if approval is given from the client or someone within the company, we will process this and go ahead with the project. If approval is given and there are drastic changes within the project, the client is liable for the time for the additional work.
If the website is hosted with DVM Development or Xneelo then backups will be kept but if the hosting is with the client or another company backups will not be kept and it is up to the client and their host to make arrangements. Backups will be kept if the client agrees with DVM Development on a backup schedule.
DVM Development can not guarantee that my work will be completely error-free. We are a small independent company and need the client to make sure the content is correct. We can not be liable to clients or any third party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages, even if you’ve advised us of them. If any provision of this contract shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason was unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
The client will own the copyright for all material created on the website. DVM Development holds the right to showcase the final site or sample works from the projects as portfolio pieces. Images that are supplied by DVM Development are under a premium licence and are protected.
Payment & Invoicing
DVM Development will invoice the client upon completion of the project. Payment will be completed by the client for the agreed amount no later than one month after the invoice has been sent. 10% will be added to the invoice for every month after that payment is missed unless stated otherwise. For sites that are unpaid for more than 3 months the site will be de-activated by DVM Development. If the Client is not happy with services rendered and withholds payment. A report of issues needs to be submitted and the deposit and termination clause should take effect.
All time is clocked carefully and is recorded to a client portfolio. A breakdown of time will be given with the invoice if requested. Payment needs to be made by the 25th day of the month that the changes are made. If a payment is missed monthly maintenance will not be credited for the following month. With regards to maintenance retainers, an invoice will be sent every month on the 24th. If payment is not made at all for changes made within one month of invoicing all changes will be deleted from said website. If maintenance hours are met a new contract needs to be drawn up. If maintenance hours are met with no contract an hourly rate will be imposed. Clients will be informed of the time taken as the monthly changes are made.